Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting and Dedicated servers

If your internet business is expanding, using Shared Hosting Services will not do for the kind of traffic that your site is experiencing. Furthermore, you might be collecting private and confidential information from your site visitors. In such situations what is needed is a Dedicated Web Hosting Service.

Dedicated Hosting is where an entire server is leased out to you, for hosting your website. You have more control over server functions, while basic server administration activities are taken care of by the web hosting provider. There are many benefits in Dedicated Web Hosting:

§ You get to decide the amount of space for your site, the processing power of the server and the server’s Operating System which could be Windows or Linux.

§ Issues like site down problems mostly do not happen and if they do, they are rectified quickly using on-line support from the host provider. As a result, you can be sure that your business is always up and running.

§ If you are going to include features in your site through which you will collect confidential information from visitors, you need a dedicated server as there is much more security here.

§ You get your own unique IP address and this gives you a greater sense of freedom and individuality.

§ If your server needs change, Dedicated Servers offer that much flexibility to enhance requirements like space, processing speed and much more.

§ You have greater control in altering server configurations. You will be provided with easy-to-use graphics use interface through which you can change server configurations according to your requirements.

§ You get 24 x 7 Support from your hosting provider, so any issues can be resolved quickly without much of hassles.

§ Depending on the level of control you wish to have you can choose a server administration package, by which part or whole of server administration is taken care by the web hosting provider.

Now that we have looked into the many benefits of the Dedicated Web Hosting, you would feel that dedicated webhosting is just right for your internet busiess, given the complexity of your site and the he traffic that it gets everyday. howver, if you wish to have a successful online bsuiess, you need to find the right dedicated web hosting provider. Here are a couple of factors to consider when seeking Dedicated Web Hosting service:

§ What kind of hosting do you require – Linux or Windows? Decide on this and then look atthe packages offered.

§ What is the bandwidth, speed offered and are the plans flexible to accommodate your future growth needs.

§ How is the support system for problems and failures? Question the host on such issues.

§ Analyze the features they offer and how it specifically benefits you. Check their site administration tools and email account privileges.

§ Do you want a fully-managed service, partially-managed service or will you do the entire server management yourself?

Find answers to all these questions before you go in search of a Dedicated Web Hosting provider, as it will give you a clearer picture of what is best for you and which will serve your requirements the most.

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