Saturday, July 25, 2009

10 Steps to Success

Overview of the 10 Steps to Success

1.ATTITUDE: Your attitude is the strongest (or weakest) aspect about you. It will determine your self-image and how well or poorly you do at everything. No more “I can’t”.

2.GOALS: Succeeding and seeing results should be a lot easier if you know what YOU want. If you enjoy what you’re doing and you’re getting better, you’ll want to do it more. The goals become even bigger and better.

3.OBJECTIVES: hese are the “little things” that constantly focus your attention on the information that will make a difference. The benefits of attaining your objectives daily create a remarkable determination to reach your goals.

4.ORGANIZATION: Once you are on the path to accomplishing your objectives and goals, you’ll want to reach your outcome faster. The best in every class, in every sport and every area of life learn that time is very precious. It needs to be used wisely.

5.INSPIRATION: It is inevitable: we all get knocked down physically and mentally. When you were just a baby, you fell down but got back up; otherwise, you would be crawling everywhere. However, staying focused on your goals and objectives can be challenging at times. Don’t lose sight of “why” you want those goals.

6.COMMITMENT: You will face challenges from friends, classmates, teachers, even people you don’t know. It is GOING TO HAPPEN. You can plan ahead of time that there will be pitfalls. Top performers and successful people always embrace the pitfalls but stay committed to their goals.

7.LEADERSHIP: When you set out to accomplish something, friends notice. It creates a level of confidence, courage and determination in you. Little by little people start to see and wonder how they can get the same results. People start to follow!

8.ACCOUNTABILITY: You have finally learned that there is no more blaming your challenges, failures or circumstances on other people. If there is something to get done, a decision that needs to be made or a challenge to be met, you have proven you can do it. “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”.

9.GOOD CHOICES, BAD CHOICES IT’S UP TO YOU: So now your friends depend on you. They watch what you say and, more importantly, what you do. So your choices and decisions will impact many. There is no “pressure” on you because you are confident you can make your own choices, as opposed to the group’s choices.

10.SUCCESS SYSTEM: If you follow the system, you might reap the rewards!!